In the quirky town of Jesterville, where every day was April Fools’ Day, a mischievous toddler named Oliver Oglethorpe discovered the art of pranking. Armed with a diaper full of rubber chickens and a giggle that could rival a hyena’s, Oliver set out to orchestrate the most uproarious parade the town had ever seen.

Underneath his fluffy onesie, Oliver hatched a plan that involved recruiting his equally mischievous toddler friends. With crayons in hand, they drafted maps for a parade route that snaked through Jesterville’s narrow streets, hitting all the prime prank spots.

On the appointed day, the Pint-Sized Prankster Parade commenced. The tiny tots, adorned in whimsical costumes, waddled down the streets armed with whoopee cushions, silly string, and joyous laughter. The townspeople, initially confused, soon found themselves swept up in the pint-sized pandemonium.

As the parade passed, bystanders were treated to an onslaught of rubber chickens squawking, tickle fights breaking out spontaneously, and gales of toddler laughter that echoed through the town square. Even the local pets joined the festivities, donning miniature jesters’ hats.

News of the Pint-Sized Prankster Parade spread like wildfire, drawing curious onlookers from neighboring towns who couldn’t resist the allure of the cheeky toddlers and their infectious joy. Jesterville became a haven for laughter enthusiasts, and the town’s economy thrived as visitors flocked to experience the hilarity.

Mayor Guffawington, recognizing the economic potential, declared an annual Pint-Sized Prankster Parade, complete with baby-friendly pranking zones and a competition for the most creative toddler prank. Jesterville’s toddlers, now local celebrities, continued to spread laughter far and wide, proving that sometimes the tiniest pranksters could orchestrate the biggest laughs.